Just another (occasional) brain dump on technology and the technology industry...

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I enjoy wine, laptops, walks, bicycling with the kids and long drives. I am constanly reading. In my heart I am a teacher a salesman and a technologist.

Monday, September 15, 2008

The KreditInform "Web Service" and I

I did a little work with the KreditInform "web service" during the last month or so. How did I find working with it? Here is a short list:
  • Ease of use - not very easy, documentation sucks.
  • Standards compliant - they call it a web service, which it is in the loosest terms. It is not WS-I compliant. I went to see a developer. There are no plans to change the current implementation to be WS-I compliant.
  • Did I get it to work? Yes.
  • Was it easy and intuitive. No way - be prepared to suffer!

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